Friday, March 6, 2009

Show Stealer

So, we watched our middle child shine as bright as the sun (no bias on my part) during the Elementary School Talent Show tonight. All in all, we were pretty impressed with all of the acts.

We listened to some wonderful singers, musicians and saw some fabulous dancers and acrobats. The show was greatly enhanced by a state-of-the-art sound system. And our director was absolutely unflappable, as usual.

My youngest child had tried out for the show as well. Well, let me qualify that: My middle child worked, putting in at least 10 hours of practice with her group to learn words, music and choreography. My youngest child decided that she was lip-synching and dancing as she got out of the car the day of the try-outs.

My youngest child is the child that seemingly has the world by a string. Even when she messes up, she is able to come out smelling like a rose, making the audience believe it was all part of the plan.

Her impromptu try-out made my inner oldest-child cry out "foul"! How can it be even remotely fair for her to waltz away with a coveted spot in the show without ever putting forth any more effort than to eject the cd that had been playing in the car on the way to school?

So, in order to be fair to the rest of the participants, and in an effort to encourage preparation on the part of my child, I wrote the director and said, "If she does not make the show, it's okay." I don't know if her try-out was stellar, or if it fell flat. Either way, the director graciously declined the offer of the youngest's talents for this show.

I felt so justified. I was almost giddy with the idea that my daughter might actually learn something from the experience.

However, I should have known better.

She watched the show with delight and excitement. About 1/3rd of the way through, she leaned into me and whispered, "I can't believe I didn't make the show."

Hmpff. Still confident. Took it all in stride. Saw nothing wrong with her audition or lack of preparation. It was baffling to her that she was not given the red-carpet, star treatment.

Now, I'm feeling like "Mean Mommy." I was wishing bad things on my precious gift from God. And to top it off- she did not get it!

We have another performance tomorrow. I can't wait to watch my middle child dance and sing again. She really is a natural.

And the talent level of the kids will really entertain, even for the second time. I don't have any expectations that my youngest will have any revelations tomorrow. In fact, I would not be surprised if she is more adamant that she was "robbed" of her spot.

And, well, maybe she was? Would she have made it if I hadn't basically asked the director to cut her? Was her act any worse/better than the ones that were on stage tonight? I don't know. Of course, I will never know, since she has never, nor will she ever, show me the act she did when she tried out. I don't even know if she remembers it.

Lessons learned:

  1. Mommy Barbie, quit interfering and let the chips fall where they may

  2. Youngest, I insist that you make the smallest of efforts to actually prepare for performances, try-outs and assignments

  3. Middle, keep up the good work

  4. Oldest, you are quite the gem for putting up with all the estrogen that floats around your world!

  5. Hubby, I'm just glad you are home!

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