Friday, December 27, 2013


Amy was completely delighted to finally get her ears pierced. We made her wait until she was 12. Admittedly, that was a completely arbitrary number. But we wanted our kids to grow up as slowly as possible.
We have watched other people we have known allow their toddlers to pierce their ears, wear make up, have tons of clothes, take limo rides to rock concerts and expensive restaurants, and become miniature adults, complete with horrific manners and demanding personalities. I don't mean to sound like I'm passing judgement; certainly we have made parental decisions with which others would not agree. However, our logic to making our kids wait to do simple things, like have a cell phone, pierce their ears, wear make up, wear high heels, shave their legs, etc., was that we wanted them to 1) enjoy their childhood, and 2) have something to look forward to. If a little girl is riding in limos at the age of six, what's so special about a limo at prom or at their wedding? If a child goes to a One Direction concert and sits in the front row at age five, what is left for them to look forward to enjoying when they're fifteen or twenty five? If it's all been "done" at a young age, what is left to anticipate?
We know children are persistent when they want something. And they can be down-right annoying in their pursuit of whatever they want.
But consider Christmas: Arguably one the most fun and exciting parts of Christmas is the anticipation that builds into an absolutely frenzy by Christmas Eve. It's true that children want the toys and gifts they receive Christmas morning. But the gifts are even more fun and valued because they aren't granted or given the very moment they're requested. The desire blooms and is nurtured until it is satisfied at the first glance of that special toy or gift early Christmas morning.
We wanted to give that same feeling of Christmas satisfaction to our kids for some of the other milestones and moments of growing up.
So Amy just got her ears pierced. I believe she was one of the very last of her friends to do so.
But I can guarantee she will remember that moment as a special moment.
Next milestone: Emma gets her driving permit... Oh my... I think the ear piercing will be far easier on MommyBarbie...
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Thursday, November 14, 2013

No Texting Zone

When you send someone an electronic correspondence, it behooves you to check carefully to make sure the correct recipient is in the address bar. Dear hubby, due to neglecting this tidbit of texting etiquette, has now become the official poster child of the cause.

Evidently, he sent me a sweet, romantic text saying, "Have I told you lately I'm madly in love with you?" (Yes, I am aware that I have the BEST guy ever.)

In fact, had I gotten that text I would've immediately replied with something equally nauseatingly sweet and romantic.

However, that text was inadvertently sent to his last phone recipient, who also happened to be his very male, very retired-military boss.

When this little mishap was relayed to me this evening, I hooted and giggled and then laughed some more.

This event turned out just fine for us, but should serve as a cautionary tale to emailers and texters alike: be careful to check BEFORE you hit "send". A jealous spouse or a terse boss who doesn't find humor in situations like that could've very well been on the other end of that text.

So text and email with care. And don't worry about getting an errant text from dear hubby; he's probably just going to call people on the phone and speak to them personally for a while...

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A Hairy Situation

ANo 0ll my life I have envied Barbie. Blue eyes, great figure without having to exercise,  all those great clothes and accessories.  And long, thick, blond hair (Except for the one whom I named Suzie. She got a bob that was absolutely awful when I was going through my phase of wanting my hair short and trying to live vicariously through her since I had to wear a pony tail for dance class).

Barbie's hair has always been a source of jealousy on my part. How is it fair that she gets to be forever platinum and coiffeured while I struggle with my thin non-discript colored hair every day?

So I held out hope for my children.  Perhaps they would have Barbie-esque hair. Just maybe my daughters would have lovely locks.

Emma's hair looked exactly like Shirley Temple's when she was young. Light brown tight ringlets with streaks of blond encircled her precious face. I actually had people ask me if I curled it or even permed it. (I was polite, but really wanted to exclaim, "Why, yes.  I got my two year old to sit still through a perm. NOT.")

Today her hair hangs down her back in gorgeous golden brown waves- except for when she straightens it with a flat iron.

Amy got such thick hair we've had to have it thinned whenever she's gotten her hair cut. It has immense body, and she does nothing to it other than brush it to make it beautiful.

So MommyBarbie's hair has never been anything to write home about. But somehow I went against all genetic odds and produced children with fairytale worthy hair. I was pleased.

Lately, however, Emma has been wanting to change her hair- make it straighter, color it some odd shade of eggplant or fushia. This makes me sad. And yet it is simply another example to give proof positive that we always want what we don't have.

Last summer she had a hot pink streak in the back of her hair that washed out over time and was hidden in the back for family She was elated to be a little rebellious; I was delighted she accepted my compromise.

We make concessions as parents.  Certainly MommyBarbie preferred the pristine hair that blessed my daughter's head. But what are a few strands of pink in the big picture? It wasn't permanent. It was concealable. And it satisfied her desire.

Tomorrow I will be taking Emma to trim up the ends of her hair. I have conceded to a light color wash to darken her hair slightly.  Why? Because as a parent I realize the need for my child to be her own person. And when I give a little, my child is less inclined to want a lot; I give in inches, so she doesn't feel she has to take in miles.

MommyBarbie is silently weeping in the corner. But hopefully she will find solace in the fact that at least Amy's pony tail is still sans chemicals. (Of course, Amy's hair is delighted to see a brush from time-to-time. We aren't yet to the point of breaking out the Miss Clairol by any stretch of the imagination.)

I also hope that MommyBarbie will be proud of what an amazing, independent, level - headed young woman Emma is turning out to be. She could channel her self assurance and independent thinking into something destructive or just plain obnoxious. But she doesn't. She continues to amaze and shine at every turn...

Even if it is with colored, straightened hair...

She is beautiful. And I am happy.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Long Time, No See

Wow. It has been far too long since I've written last. The good news for me is that my lack of posting is not due to a lack of things about which to post. On the contrary- I've been so busy I haven't had time to chronical my motherhood foibles.

This past August was honored by being asked to teach high school students English. This served to simultaneously amp up the busy - ness in my world, while continuing to provide a prolonged respite for my kids to go without being picked apart and written about. The kiddos are delighted; I am not so much.

You see, for me writing is not only cathartic, and an inexpensive way to exercise my creative demons, it has also given me a way to draft a sort of diary that allows me to reflect at the time of my writing, and then even much later.

So I have vowed to make a better effort to post more frequently than once a year... We'll see how this goes...