Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Never a Dull Moment...

I am the girl who still plays "When I Grow Up, I Want To Be..."

I spent my entire childhood & growing-up years thinking how much fun it would be to do EVERYTHING, and I never actually settled on one thing.
Add in an overactive optimism, and you begin to get the picture of what my resume looks like.
I am the original "Jack of all trades: Master of none"

But it's all because there are so many great things to do! Who wants to do the same old boring thing all the time?

Of course, my sweet, patient husband reminds me: "That's what HOBBIES are for!"

Pbbffff... Boooorrrrinnng!!!! I enjoy learning new things. And there's always a bit of me that thinks, "I can surely do that, too- perhaps even better!"

So, I have created a killer recipe for a massage oil candle. I have a fabulous embroidery machine. I acted in high school. I can decorate cakes. I dream of being able to write like Jodi Picoult. I end up heading up and/or serving on various committees and boards. I have signed up to sell (mostly buy) multitudes of "Home Party" types of businesses. I have co-created a fairly sought-after line of gourmet goodies. I'm a licensed cheer coach. I have my health insurance license. I have wildly expensive software for website design and graphic design (but I don't know how to use it well). I sing in the shower in such a way that even Simon would send me on to the next round. And I have three of the best kids ever.

If I must be honest, the entire reason for the creation of this blog is because I read a fabulous article by a mom in a magazine, and she said she had a blog. Oh my, that was just like waving Jimmy Choos in front of a fashionista!

So, I guess I'll "blog" (which I suspect is a combination of "blab" and "log"). (Who knows? Maybe THIS will be "the one" and I'll have such fabulously insightful and witty blogs, that national magazines will pay to print them!)

Well- at least my husband will be happy that this venture is FREE... enjoy.... :)

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