Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Warning: You Can OD on Anything...

Oh my. What a sad, sad day.

I think it has finally happened... I have OD'ed on Diet Coke.

It makes me so very unhappy. Diet Coke is my very favorite, (almost) only vice. And I can't even look at it tonight without thinking I might have it come back up.

Was it the caffeine? The acid? The carbonation? The syrup? A combination?


I hope and pray I'll have this out of my system tomorrow morning. Diet Coke is my beverage of choice to get me going in the morning. I can't do coffee, unless it has so much cream, sugar, syrup, etc, in it, that it's really just a sweet milk shake with a splash of coffee. How will I wake up if I can't have Diet Coke?

But right now, my stomach is putting out a huge warning, coupled with an ultimatum: No Diet Coke, or else...

Maybe I ate something else tonight that didn't agree with me, and my tummy is just so sensitive it doesn't want anything??? Nah, I didn't think so, either. 'Cuz, actually, water doesn't sound that bad. Neither does french fries. Or chocolate and peanut butter ice cream... Well, OK, I take back the ice cream.

Maybe it's this blasted headache I've carried around for two days??? Possible...

I guess time will tell...

If I can't have Diet Coke for my morning caffeine injection, I may not be able to blog, because I'll be fighting a coma with every ounce of energy I have in reserve. But, maybe it will be okay.

And I promise, if I am OK tomorrow, I will limit my Diet Coke intake. I suppose 8 - 10 Diet Cokes per day really can not be good for you.

But heaven knows, I will not switch over to "the dark side" and drink Pepsi- no matter what. I am a Diet Coke girl, through and through.

Even if I can't even drink it...

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