Thursday, July 9, 2009

I'm Watching You...

E-Gads! Yikes! How did this happen????

I... have lost my edge...

It's true!

I was perusing old blog entries full of witty comments and fun observations. I had amusing stories, snappy dialogue and laugh-out-loud commentary...

Now? Sadly, now most of my entries are nice, vanilla, ho-hum, "Hey! I'm trying!" pieces...

Gone is the... "edge."

When did this happen? How did it happen?

Ah. Wait. It is coming back to me now...

Hubby started traveling. I was accused of not paying attention to the children because I was typing on the computer (while they were watching television). I turned off the computer, and became one of the foremost experts on Sponge Bob Square Pants and anything on Disney Channel. (Jealous, aren't you?)

Well- no more, I say! Today is the day I dig deep, really deep, and try to pull out what's left of my creativity. I used to see every situation through two sets of eyes: the eyes of "me," and the eyes of a blogger who could use this to create an entry. Today I get my second pair of eyes back.

And I don't even care if it makes me look funny. Because, by golly, these fingers were made for typing, and I'm going to fulfill my destiny!

Ladies & Gentlemen: MommyBarbie has returned!!!!

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