Monday, September 22, 2008

HBD, Hubby!

Well, it has been a while since I have written an entry. I never imagined life could be so busy doing things that have absolutely nothing to do with me personally!

Laundry, cooking, dishes, cleaning, bathing, bedding, homework, practices, dry cleaning, grocery shopping, etc., etc., etc...

This past weekend was hubby's 40th birthday. I was incredibly tempted to put a big sign in the yard that said, "Lordy, Lordy! Look Who's 40!" and request that everyone we know wear a black arm band to show their condolences for the mourning of his youth.

But, I took the high road and planned a couple of nice dinner parties for him, and got him some speakers for his stereo system. Now, don't be too impressed. See, my 40th is 42 days after his, and I don't need to give him that much time to figure out how to "return the favor."

We had a BMW cake for him- big hit! And most of his gifts centered around the BMW, his job or "just for fun" stuff.

Again, I really wanted to give him two shirts: The first would be an XXXL with the words "Body by Beer" embroidered on it. The second would be a M or L with the words, "Body by BoFlex" on it.

(Back story: Hubby has owned a BoFlex which has resided in different areas of our garage and home for over a year now. Thus far, it has been a very expensive car cover holder in the garage, a central place to put the recycling, and, now, a centrally heated and air conditioned paper weight. To date, he has used it one time. But, we dismantled our guest bedroom and now have a very nice exercise room to show guests when they come over.)

It is not in my nature to let such opportunities for giving someone a hard time (in fun, of course) get away like this. It has caused me, at times, physical pain to hold my tongue.

But, my husband is absolute King of sarcasm and come-backs. And I know in my heart of hearts that my pay-back would be far worse than anything I could ever even dream of dishing out. So I gritted my teeth and smiled.

This weekend we leave for a short get-away with another couple who also happen to both be turning the big 4-0 this year. We are looking forward to sun and sand and sleep with the enthusiasm once held for a raucous party rave. We have books selected, our scrabble game packed, a couple of swim suits and the 50+ sunblock. Yep, wild times.

The planning required to shuttle around the kids and have someone be "me" for the four days/nights has been astonishing. I feel like I'm planning the President's Inaugural Ball, complete with foreign dignitaries, security detail and press.

But, as I bask in the sun, it will ALL be worth it: the busy-ness, the ability to NOT give hubby a hard time about being "old," the planning, and on-going celebrations.

We will enjoy that time as only someone "our age" can. Gone are the days of dancing until dawn. Yet, we may watch the sunrise a morning or two-- after sleeping.

We have a little more disposable income than we did in those days (not much...). We aren't on a fixed income (yet) so we won't be looking for the blue-plate special deals.

We will be enjoying our vacation in a way that is exactly right for US.

And when it is my turn to cross over to the next decade, I feel confident that hubby will respectfully resist the temptation to set up a coffin in our den for "visitation," or schedule a night out for me and the girls in a hearse.

At least he better... Because I have my shirts, embroidery machine and black arm bands at the ready if hubby doesn't "play nice," too...

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