Saturday, December 12, 2009
What Time Is It?
But in some ways, I was born a teenager and never really grew out of it. One of the most blatant examples is my sleeping patterns.
I love staying up until all hours of the night. Some of my best inspiration comes at 2:00 am when I get that "second wind." And socializing until the wee hours of the morning is my idea of big fun!
Conversely, I hate, hate, hate getting up early in the morning. I know many people who get up to exercise, read or just get their morning started long before the sun streaks the sky. Why?
Clearly my internal clock is on some other time zone. And every year when we in the Central Time Zone "fall behind" and "spring forward," it takes a good month before I can get my sleep back on track again.
When I had to go to work in the real world, I had to get up and sit in rush hour traffic in the early morning hours with the rest of Nashville. But I hated it. And I had to go to bed early to be functional the next day. And I hated that, too. My favorite work schedule was when I waitressed until 1:00 am, and then slept until 9:00 am or so. Unfortunately the pay and benefits of a waitress is not conducive to... well, living.
When I had children, the babies ruled the roost, and the clock. They had no concept of the fact that real people don't sleep two hours at a time 24/7. But, we all limped through the early years together. And when the babies got older, their natural clock put them out like a light at 6:30 pm, which was a nice time for me to catch up on anything I couldn't do while they were awake. But, then they also naturally woke up at 5:30 am, which to my teen-aged soul was the equivalent to some sort of military torture.
As they turned into children, hubby and I were able to mandate that they could not come into our room, without significant cause involving blood or bones sticking out of the skin, until a certain television show came on that corresponded to about 8:00 am. Until that time, they were allowed to watch cartoons. Out of self-preservation, they eventually learned to make cereal and poptarts to eat during the "black out" time.
Now my tweens are on my schedule, finally. This is wonderful! Except that now we do have more things to do than we have time to do them. So, in order to fit them in, we must get up early (read: before 9:00 am). This makes for an entire family of grumpy folks who long for a nap by lunch. But at least we're in the same boat, all together.
This morning, I had to get my house daughter (our exchange student from Germany) from a sleep over at 6:45 am. When she first told me what time she needed to be picked up, I simply blinked at her, refusing to believe she didn't actually mean 10:45. She laughed at me and said, "No, really. I need to be picked up at 6:45."
Ugh. How I wished she could drive as I pulled a coat, hat and shoes over my pajamas and slid behind the wheel. The temperature was 22 degrees and the frost on the windshield was an inch thick. It took a good 10 minutes for the car to warm up. I was happy- NOT.
Once she was in the car, I chided her, "Ready to get home and go jogging?"
She glared at me. "I only slept for one hour last night."
I grunted something back and went back to concentrating on the road.
"How about we get dressed and go ahead out to the shopping malls?" I smiled wickedly. Yes, I am grumpy AND immature when I'm tired.
She glared again and grunted something at me.
We rode home the rest of the way in silence. She stumbled through the door, went to her room and immediately fell into a deep, peaceful sleep.
I didn't.
I was awake. Unable to go back to sleep. Unable to clean, because I'll wake everyone up. Unable to watch television because of the same.
So I got on my computer and fumed and pouted. Then I thought, "Hey! I'll bet everyone wants to hear my whining!" (LOL) So, here I am, telling you my woeful tale.
I guess there are many stereo types of things, like teen agers, floating around that we buy into. But every part of each stereo type doesn't necessarily apply to a person.
I'm not the stereo typical "soccer mom" to a tee. I'm not everything people think about a pastor's daughter. People don't look at me and automatically think that I'm an insurance agent. And I don't think anyone who doesn't know me could guess I have teen aged tendancies when it comes to sleep.
But, now you know. And now you also know not to call my house before 9:00 am on a weekend without it being a life-threatening emergency.
I hope you all have a wonderful, RESTFUL, weekend!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Parental Angst
What the story doesn't share is how her parents must be feeling. I'm certain, as any parent can tell you, that their concern, worry and "angst," is just as real and just as painful.
As a parent, we do get the advantage of perspective. We know that time heals more than we know. We know that the future holds opportunities that we could never imagine today.
However, we also get the bad stuff in spades. We feel helpless against our child's feelings. "How can we "fix" this?" we wonder aloud to our spouse.
We know all the trappings of the "wrong crowd" or even just "wrong" decisions. We realize that actions done today can follow you for the rest of your life.
So, we parents experience vicarious angst for our kids, and then we have our own set of worries, as well. That doesn't seem very fair, considering we already made it through childhood ourselves.
And yet, here I am, worried when my child says she doesn't think anyone likes her. "Not like you?" I asked, jaw dropped. "How can anyone not like you? I think you are fabulous beyond measure!"
The obligatory sigh and eye roll is followed by, "Mom! You HAVE to say that! You're my mom!"
I'm concerned when my child says he feels bullied. "Isn't there a school policy against that? You need to find an adult!"
"Mom," he explains patiently, "If I don't fight back, I'm a wimp. If I tell on him, I'm a snitch."
I'm perplexed when my child tells me her friend can't play with her because she's mean. "Why would you be mean to your friend?" I ask.
"I wasn't mean," she replies. "I just told her I didn't want to play with her right now. And her mommy told her I was mean and she can't be my friend."
Ugh. The impulse to charge in and take over is almost overwhelming. But rationale jumps in and says, "Wait! Give it time. And train them to fight their own battles so they'll be equipped for anything."
Intellectually, I get that. Emotionally, I'm watching a child with tears rolling down their face and I would move the earth and the stars to make them happy.
What to do? What to do?
Fortunately for me, I have a close support group who allows me to bounce ideas around with them. I also have kids whose friends' parents are open to conversations, and who speak with me objectively and rationally.
Does this make it "all better"? Of course not. But it does make it more tolerable. And, I hope, it makes it easier to train my kids to stand on their own, and be their own person.
I guess only time will tell. But I have to have faith, trust myself and my kids and remember to laugh as often as I can. Because as far as I can tell, the opposite of angst is joy.
So, together, my kids and I look for ways to laugh and ways to enjoy life. Together, I know we can get through it all!
Monday, December 7, 2009
The Power of the Written Word
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Growing Up Is Hard To Do...
Touchdown, Titans!
Friday, December 4, 2009
Like, Gag Me With A Spoon, For Sure...
Friday, August 21, 2009
It's Time to Play Some Football!
I have also never understood the appeal of grabbing a coffee at the water cooler and rehashing every excruciating detail of a game- even if my team lost. After all, that's why they keep doing the "instant replay," right?
However, recently my son began playing football. This in and of itself is quite something. This is the child who didn't want to play soccer because it was outside. Now he's wearing shoulder pads that make him so wide he hardly fits in the car.
(I often amuse myself by thinking: "I spent eleven years of his life telling him not to hit anyone and play nicely; Now I'm screaming: 'GO GET HIM! KNOCK HIM DOWN!' from the bleachers.")
Suddenly, I have a very vested interest in a sports team. Now I want to know all the players, because most of them have been at my house at one time or the other. I have become the person by whom I was most confused: a sports fan.
Not only has this given me a whole new circle of friends who join me on the bleachers every Thursday night (yes, Middle School football has a very odd schedule), but it has given me a whole new topic of conversation for people I don't even know. It has compounded my "small talk" repatoire a hundred fold.
In Tennessee, and most of the South East United States, football is revered almost so much as to be considered its own religion. I have gained entry into a large, yet very tight knit club. I am a football mom. There is a whole new impressed posture people take when they ask if my son is into any sports and I reply, "Yes, he plays football."
Next year he may decide to play soccer or tennis or join the track team, and I'm okay with that. But a part of me can't help but hope just a little that he keeps on with the football. And, from a very recent non-sport's fan, that's really saying something!
~Proud Mommy of #59
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Textbooks, Pencils and Composition Books
Keith pulled the biggest shocker ever: he is playing football. This is the child who didn't want to play soccer because it was outside. And here he is with helmet, pads, mouth guard (which I insisted upon since I want to protect my $9.5K investment I have in his teeth) and cleats.
He does pretty well, too. He's one of the shortest, so he's learned to dive at the opponent's ankles and not let go. And he's smart, so he can out think the opponent. Yes, I'm a proud momma. Hubby's stance on the whole thing is: "Son, sit on the side lines as much as you can; You get to be on a winning team and not get hurt." I disagree. It's important to push yourself physically to know that you are capable of being body slammed into the mud by a guy three times your size, and still be able to get up and make intelligent sentences.
Emma is as dependable as the day is long. She's beautiful, talented, disciplined, level-headed and full of joy. And she got her first cell phone. She delights in changing up all the ring tones and programming different pictures and settings. (I'm glad to know which button to push to answer the phone...) She has a teacher whom she adores. (Although I swear she would love even having someone like Jason from Friday the 13th as her teacher. She would be so chipper he'd have to comply or kill himself.)
Amy... Well, Amy is adjusting to school and her teacher. And her teacher is adjusting to her. A "good day" for her is when she comes home with no "warnings" with her name on the board. Her main problem seems to stem from her overwhelming desire to be the teacher, which obviously does not sit well with the real teacher. I keep waiting to get the call that the teacher has reassigned Amy to the Principal's office for the remainder of the school year. But, so far we're okay.
Hubby is still traveling and racking up the frequent-flyer miles. It's still hard for me to be "in charge" while he's out of town, but then let him help with the decision-making when he's back. I have to bite my tongue so I don't just say, "Listen, just sit down and shut up. I'll take it from here."
That leaves me and the animals. We enjoy the quiet moments when we get the remote control to the television. Dixie, the dog, will curl up on the couch on a pillow. Tigger, the cat, will stretch out across the top of the love seat. And I'll drink my diet coke and read, watch television, write, or get into some cyber-gossip on FaceBook. (I've even started "Twittering" so I can get my "dirt" fix on a moment-by-moment basis.)
It's almost September and I'm still stuck back in May. Pretty soon, it will be Christmas, and I'll finally be caught up to looking for school supplies... Maybe by then it won't be as hot and we won't have to mow the grass. We could possibly even have some snow this year!
Whatever happens, it will come and go so much more quickly than it did when I was in school. Days took forever- especially if I was involved in a teenage "fight" with a friend. I would get so worried about what someone thought of me, I could hardly concentrate on anything else.
I wonder sometimes if my kids go through the same thing. I hope not, but I'm guessing they probably do. I want to say to them, "Forget it! In ten years, you won't remember that person's name, much less whatever you're fighting about."
But I guess that's something you learn with time. And the more you know, the faster it goes. So, here I sit, apparently very knowledgeable about the quickly passing time. I'm amazed that summer has come and gone.
Part of me is saddened by the loss of our lazy days by the pool and the cool evening dinners out on the back porch. But I would be a liar if I didn't also acknowledge that there's a big part of me that also celebrates the kids going back to school with the enthusiasm of a college kid at Mardi Gras.
Keith, Emma and Amy are happy to be with their friends. And I'm happy to hear about their fun, their triumphs and their adventures. I guess school isn't so bad after all...
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Potty Mouth
Personally, I am not impressed, but not completely grossed out, either. After all, I've had three babies. Any new mom will tell you that we have lengthy conversations regarding the bathroom habits of our babies, some very descriptive and down right disgusting.
And older folks tend to use a laser focus on their bathroom habits, along with any other aches, pains and illnesses that they might have. I can't tell you how many people over eighty-five (when I was marketing an Assisted Living Community) were concerned about whether I had a daily bowel movement or not. Then they wanted to follow up with their personal habits. I tried to look interested, and then quickly change the subject. There are just some things I don't need to know about people.
But children- they are almost drunk with hilarity over words like "butt," "pee," "poop," "fart," "snot," and other such slang for their bodily functions. I've watched my children get to the point where they could hardly breathe because they were laughing so hard.
I must admit, their laughter and unadulterated glee make me giggle. I think sometimes they mistake that for the idea that I might find their "potty talk" funny. But it truly is their utter joy and hysterical laughter that I enjoy.
I do know that eventually they will outgrow this phase. Part of me will be so glad to be able to have a conversation with them that doesn't dissolve into pandemonium because I said "do do" mistakenly in a sentence.
But another part of me dreads for that day to come. It will mean that they've also grown out of the child-like innocence that allows them to enjoy the simple jokes. At that point, they'll laugh at innuendos of sex, snarky sarcasm and just about any movie in which Will Ferrel stars.
For now, I'll discourage the potty talk AND the growing up. But I know it will only be a matter of time before I can say "poop," and it will just slide on by...
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Daddy's MIA
But there is an upside to it all: The kids and me are huge, big slugs while Daddy is gone. The day he is to come home, we do a big time clean to try and make it look like we have been productive the whole time he's been gone.
When he's gone, we watch stupid television, and eat dinner in the den. We do lots of Arts & Crafts and we stay in our pj's as long as we can.
I try to keep the yard mowed and the trash put out. But it's no substitute for Daddy.
He'll be home Friday. We're counting the days.
Until then, we'll be watching bad tv, in our pj's, while eating dinner. If you'd like to join us, come on over.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Say Cheese!
Apparently, my gene pool is more far-reaching than I had once realized. Originally I thought that the "overcrowding" teeth problem was going to be exclusive to my middle daughter. But, no such luck.
I sighed heavily as they posted the x-ray up on the big screen in the office. Even my middle daughter looked at the picture of my youngest daughter's teeth and said, "Oh my gosh, where are all those teeth going to go?" I can't be sure, but I think I saw a gleam in the Orthodontist's eye.
Don't get me wrong- they have worked virtual miracles on my son and middle daughter's teeth. Unquestionably, their teeth look absolutely beautiful.
But, the cost... Wow.
This was, as so many things are, NOT in the "Parent Brochure." (At least not in the one I was given.) I got the brochure that showed happy children running across fields, laughing and tugging a balloon behind them. Mine showed the young man with a graduation cap and gown hugging his parents appreciatively. I am supposing that my insert with all the "fine print" was lost in the mail.
Because I never got the memo about braces costing as much as a nice used car. I never knew that "extra curricular" activities (read: sports, music, etc.) could cost as much as a house payment each month, and that we would have to rent out a special place next to the gym/music store so that we had somewhere to sleep after long practices. But, I digress...
My daughter was absolutely thrilled as the technician carefully applied tiny blobs of glue onto her teeth, and then placed little silver brackets on each glue blob. She even got to pick the colors of her rubber bands: electric blue and ocean blue.
(As a side note, all of the technicians are quite young. I thought maybe it was because of the energy they brought with them. Now I realize that it is because they are working on things that are the size of a grain of rice. The older techs just can't see what they are supposed to be doing anymore!)
When my daughter hopped out her chair and smiled, I snapped pictures with my cell phone and sent them to everyone I knew and posted them on FaceBook, with a tag that said, "Look at our summer cruise sailing away without us..."
My little one got a whole goodie bag full of "teeth stuff" and a coupon to Baskin Robbins. She skipped happily out of the office. I was left trying to keep down my lunch while attending to the bill.
As we settled into the car to go home, my daughter asked, "How long do I wear these?"
"I don't know, sweetie," I said. "The Orthodontist said this was your first phase. Then when all your baby teeth are gone, they will get you ready for your second phase (whose price is not included in the first phase, I might add). So, probably this time about a year and a half."
"Well, they hurt," she whined. "I don't want them any more."
"I'm sorry, darlin'," I said, sympathetically.
How many times in life have I wanted something so badly, only to discover it was not anything like I thought it would be? Sometimes it's beyond my expectations. Sometimes it is disappointing beyond words.
I expect that she will have some of the initial aches/pains/discomfort of the new braces subside in a few days. Then is when the real hike begins: Eighteen months of tightening, moving, deprivation of gum, hard candies and other favorite treats, having to brush teeth around brackets and wires and generally feeling like your whole mouth is too full all the time.
I trust that in the end, she will have a beautiful smile. I know I can't count on it, but in my dreams the fact that we've provided braces for our children will give them confidence, better oral hygiene and the ability to get a better job.
Regardless, I know one thing for sure: there will be NO activities that could knock out teeth in our house! And they better smile big in every single picture for the rest of their lives!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Just Killin' Time...
Finding that elusive item that was "it" proved to be quite the task. We fluttered all over the store, and then went around again. We picked up every possible candidate and looked it over carefully.
It came down to Flarp (a goopy colored substance in a plastic container that makes gaseous noises when you push it) or lip gloss for one of the girls. The two older ones decided on battery controlled cars, which surprised the heck out of me. But they seem delighted with their simulated monster trucks. The last girl was having a hard time deciding between Disney Princess press on fingernails or a box of hair do-dads.
Ultimately, I was thrilled to see that lip gloss won out over Flarp. The Disney Princess nails were adorable- for the two and a half minutes she wore them, before deciding they hurt.
Who knew a single dollar could cause such angst? As children tend to be, the girls were only thinking of the here-and-now. They could not fathom the fact that there could ever be a "next time," so their decision was of the utmost importance. The total happiness of their entire existence hinged on this choice.
As an adult, I can see that if I don't get something now, well, there's next time. If I get something home and it doesn't work, I can take it back. And buying something just for the sake of using the $1 just leads to more junk in my house.
We are now home, and everyone is playing with their treasured new possessions (except for the one who got the nails and threw them away). Everyone seems content and satisfied... for now... we still have the rest of the day to go...
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
A Birthday Fit for a Princess...
The summer prior to her Kindergarten year, the school had gotten sprayed for bugs, but was awaiting the cleaning crew. She told her soon-to-be principal, "Uhm, I'm going to this school next year, so you need to clean up these bugs," with all the attitude of any starlet diva.
This same daughter took to heart her father's words (when she was several years younger), "We can not get a dog until we get rid of the cat." A mad, wet cat sprinted from the bathroom after she had tried to flush it down the toilet. When asked why she did that, she replied, "I didn't want to hurt the cat. I just wanted it to go away so we could have a dog."
Recently we went to adopt a new cat. She looked up at the salesman with big, brown sincere eyes and said, "I promise not to flush this cat down the toilet." Surpisingly, they let us take it anyway.
She will be eight on her next birthday, which is on December 30th. She really gets the short end of the stick of this deal. People try to lump her birthday and Christmas gift together. And she has a hard time getting folks together for any kind of party, since her birthday is squashed between two such major holidays.
Our remedy to this was to have a party in July for her "Half Birthday." She has been so excited about this upcoming party that I'm not sure if she's slept any this whole week.
The theme is "Princesses." We will be doing Princess make overs, hair do's and manicures/pedicures. We also plan to watch "Princess Protection Program" by Disney (which is actually quite a good film).
When we were writing out the invitations, she was not short on her special "charm" of saying who she did not want to invite and why. I asked her to please not have the same discussion with the other girls at the party. I could just see her sitting with a horrified little circle of girls saying, "I did NOT invite Susie because she's loud and immature!"
As I was sealing up the invitations to mail, she said, "Wait! I need to put something else on the invitations!"
"Oh. I'm sorry! What did you want to put on there?"
"I wanted to write what they needed to bring," she implored.
"I can tell their moms," I offered.
She considered this for a moment. Finally she said, "Okay. Will you please tell them that
everyone should wear sweat pants and rags?"
I looked at her, my eyebrows knitted together. There was more to this story.
"WHY are you all wearing sweat pants and rags?" I asked.
"Oh, THEY are wearing the sweat pants and rags. I am wearing a princess gown," she said, as
though she were reporting the weather or how much apples are this week at the supermarket.
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, counting to ten... and then again...
"Honey, we are NOT having your friends dress like peasants, while you dress like a princess," I said as sweetly as I could.
I was both mortified and internally laughing hysterically at the same time. How awesome would it be to not worry about what other people think? To be so confident that you talk to your principal as though she were a peer?
Hubby has that same ability. It has proven to be both a blessing and a curse.
But he and my daughter will NEVER be boring. And I will ALWAYS have a story to tell... even if I am dressed in sweat pants and rags while I tell it...
Monday, July 13, 2009
No Such Thing as a "Free Lunch"
I was putting together a budget for hubby so we could talk about how much this school year was going to cost... You know, the "free" education that the state provides for our children?
Let me tell you, if this is "free," I would hate to see it if it wasn't.
To start with, we need at least $700 worth of clothes and shoes for all three kids together. Now, I know I have to clothe them no matter what we do. But "school" clothes at their school consists of a uniform, which I LOVE (no joke!). So they will need additional "play" clothes and "church" clothes.
Next, we have school supplies. The school provides a list of all the required school supplies for each student. I have already shelled out over $300 for the girls. We still have about $150 to go for my son.
The school also has fees for workbooks and other classroom materials not supplied by the state, but necessary for the children's instruction. Between the three kids, it should add up roughly to $175.
So that the students (and parents) aren't subjected to fundraisers, our school has chosen to have a "family donation." It is suggested to donate $100 per child. That means we'll pledge $300, to be paid out over the course of the school year.
If the children are involved in any after-school activities or sports, their uniforms, equipment and fees associated with each activity. We are expecting at least $200 in those moneys.
The children have many plays and activities that are both educational and fun during the school day. Many of these require a fee to go. The fees are usually very nominal, but I'm figuring on about $50 throughout the year for all three children.
One of the children's favorite things is field trips. The younger two will go on several, spread throughout the year. The eldest, in Middle School, will go on one big overnight trip out of the city. When all is said and done, all together I expect to pay around $600 for all three kids.
Lunches are something that needs to be provided, regardless of whether they are in school or at home. So, I pulled that line-item out so we would get a more realistic picture.
Inside the classroom, there are room moms, who arrange various parties, including games and food. They also usually collect money to give the teacher Christmas gifts, birthday gifts and end-of-school presents. Our family also usually gives individual gifts for the teachers. I'm estimating around $240 for all of the various things for all three children.
As the weather changes, we will need to supply the children with more uniform clothing so that they will stay warm. That will be an additional $300 for long pants and long sleeved shirts.
Or school is a K-12 school, so we have school sports and socials for the upper grades. I'm certain we will be asked by our children to attend games and dances. I'm guessing around $100 for the year for all three children.
Oh, don't forget school pictures, taken both fall and spring. We usually don't purchase them. But the kids do want year books. The upper grades' book is $50. The lower grades' book is $35. That's $120 for all the kids together.
I'm sure there are other things I am forgetting, all of which will cost... you guessed it... money.
But if I quickly add together just these things that I have listed, we are looking at a grand total of: $3,235.oo.
Wow. Okay, I kind of wish I hadn't done this little exercise. I'm hyperventilating at that big, monster figure. But we've done it every year, so I guess we'll do it again.
I guess this is just a shining example of the fact that nothing in life is "free"-- even a "free" education...
P.S. I know this is NOTHING compared to college. But just let me get through one thing at a time...
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Relax, Mom's In Charge
I do have to say, though, I totally get her desire to make changes. Every day I see things that make me want to take over not just the country, but the world. I just want to take the planet by the shoulders, shake it and say, "What are you thinking????"
How does it make any sense that AIG is asking for MORE bail-out money for corporate bonuses, but I know several middle class families who are upstanding, wonderful people, whose main bread-winner has been out of work for over ten months. The rich should not be penalized for making money- it's part of the American dream, but the mega-rich really can be mega-gross in their over-indulgence (Who needs five homes, a couple of yahts, lots of cars and tons of other stuff only seen on MTV Cribs or LifeStyles of the Rich and Famous?). How can they feel good about themselves when they look in the mirror?
I have a friend whose boss is currently taking advantage of the current economy to try to extort more hours and more work. Instead of looking out for his employees and understanding family emergencies and the need for off time, he has threatened my friend with the loss of her job. I would love to be in charge for a day and go up to that boss and thunk him in the forehead. What a goober!
We have good friends who would/could be the best parents ever. However, they struggle with infertility. Enter the grand world of "supply and demand." Young children and babies are practically sold. Adopting a child from another country is sometimes easier than adopting one here. Why can't the moneys raised for pro-choice & pro-life be used to house women who want to anonymously give their baby up for adoption?
All these folks who want a financial bail-out? Sorry. No can do. If you can't handle a multi-million dollar company, why would I give you more money to dump down the pot??? Or, if I do give the company some money, the lunk-heads who put them in the situation in the first place, would NOT be allowed anywhere near a leadership position ever again!
Frivolous law suits? Not on my watch!
The stereotypical government workers? Not any more. If you want to get paid, you have to work more than 20 minutes a week.
Education would be important. Welfare would be a way to give people a leg up- but it would have requirements that actually encouraged people to stand on their own two feet- and, it would have an end. Every bill would be able to be line-item vetoed, so that the "extra" fluff couldn't make it through piggy-backing on whatever media-hyped issue was.
People would be held responsible for their actions instead of finding ways to place the blame, and never changing or making amends for their actions. Prisons would be self-sufficient, with inmates making their own clothing, their own food, and taking care of themselves, instead of playing in gymnasiums, watching cable TV, having conjugal visits, getting free educations and having the ability to make money while living on the government's dime.
I would quit giving other countries our money, who hate and try to hurt us. I would try to make the United Nations an actual functional group, who actually helped the world.
There would be many more things I would do in my 24 hours of reign. But the very last thing I would do would be a little bit selfish: I would arrange for two weeks in some fabulously exotic, warm island location with my family. I would spend those two weeks playing with the family, relaxing, reading and writing.
Then I would come back to my perfect world, and make sure another mom is in charge, putting the bad guys in time out, and rewarding the good guys with extra cookies and milk. After all, Mom knows best!
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Bad Mommy!
But above all, you don't want to do anything that would intentionally hurt your child. You never, ever want to have you child suffer needlessly at your hand.
You count on your "inner voice" to keep you from "crossing that line." You hope your advantage of more life experience will actually make you make better decisions than your child.
When you "mess up," the amount of grief, remorse and self-loathing is immeasurable.
Recently, I made a decision that, even at the time, I knew better than to make. My inner-adult voice was reeling against my temples, begging me to listen.
But I was blinded by some big brown eyes. And an overwhelming desire to satisfy my own inner-child.
I let my youngest child by a kitten. A beautiful, sweet, red long-haired, gray-eyed, eleven-month-old kitten, named Tigger.
I saw the little darling and was absolutely smitten. I love cats, and I always have. Their graceful movements and big, expressive eyes. They are my favorite animal.
However... hubby and son are horribly allergic to them.
In fact, we have tried once before to have a cat. But hubby and son spent the entire time with a stuffy nose and red, watery eyes.
So, suffice to say, I knew better. I knew better!
I am the adult. It is MY responsibility to act like one.
But I did not. Instead, I threw cat food, cat litter, a litter box, a litter scooper, a toy and some snacks into the cart, very nearly skipping to the check out.
Even as I write this, I am holding my breath to see how this is going to work out. Tigger is supposed to be an outside cat. But he is living in my daughter's bedroom until he is used to us, so he doesn't run away.
My daughter loves this cat like nothing I have ever seen before. She is completely devoted and enamored with Tigger. It has been the best thing for her I could have ever imagined. It has tempered her, and given her a softness.
And I am holding my breath. Hoping beyond hope that I am not setting her up for heartbreak.
I am kicking myself all over the place for ever allowing the thing to happen. I knew better! (I think I said that already...)
I just pray to God, St. Francis, and all the guardian angels that this works... That hubby and son don't become big red, swollen snot balls. That Tigger adapts well to being an outside cat. That Tigger doesn't run away or, worse, get hurt.
I guess, like anything in life, it's just "wait and see." In the meantime, I will be walking the fine line between doing what is best for my youngest and what is best for hubby & son... And praying they eventually make peace with each other...
Friday, July 10, 2009
The Family "Work" Out
So, imagine their dismay when I suggested we clean the house today. There was much wailing and gnashing of teeth... And I did not care one little bit.
My son will be learning to use the lawn mower (gasp) when the sun goes down a little. (No need to give the child heat stroke on the first time out of the gate.) My daughters helped tape off the trim in the hallways for our never-ending paint project. (I swear we did not have this much square footage in this house until we started painting!)
Once they caught on that I was serious, they wanted to know what was in it for them. Did they get money or a toy? I glared at them.
"You get the privilege of living in this house, having clothing and food provided, and being a part of this family," I growled back.
"But, we always get that," my son whined.
"I can certainly make other arrangements for you," I volleyed.
Said son responded with a sigh, an eye roll and a moooo-ooom, otherwise known as the trifecta for teens with an attitude and a death wish.
I looked at my middle child and asked, "Do you happen to know if there's still a three-day waiting period to purchase fire arms?"
She shrugged and looked utterly confused.
"Never mind," I shook my head. "Okay, son, let me spell this out for you: you live in this house because we chose to have children and we love you very much. However, you are part of a family. And, as such, you will participate in not only in the 'fun stuff,' but you will also help out with chores-"
"But that's not fair!" son whined.
"How do you figure?" I asked incredulously.
"I don't want to do chores! I shouldn't have to. You keep saying this is 'your' house," he said, stepping from the frying pan into the flames.
"Okay. Well then," I started, while crossing my arms across my chest, jutting out my chin and throwing out my hip for good measure," don't you think that perhaps it would behoove you to ingratiate yourself to me, since I am said owner of this residence. Otherwise, I will happily purchase you a tent, and you may survive in our backyard. You will have visitation privileges to our bathrooms, since we are a member of a homeowners association. And you may have two meals per day. So, what's it gonna' be?"
Never one to admit, or even hint at, defeat, my son grumbled something totally incomprehensible and slunk into the bathroom, scrub brush in hand.
"Make it shine, sweetie," I called sweetly after him.
"Mm-hmm," he said between gritted teeth.
"Love you!" I sang to him.
He looked up at me and glared for a moment. I went to finish the laundry.
As I began folding the towels, all I could think was, "Wow, that was fun... I guess I get to do this at least... a thousand and one more times???"
Thursday, July 9, 2009
I'm Watching You...

Two Sides of the Same Coin

Thursday, June 25, 2009
The Weather is Here, Wish You Were Beautiful...
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Just A Little Note...
However, I have been blogging about a Faith Journey my family is taking this summer at: And I have also been writing an historical fiction novel about Elizabeth, John the Baptist's mother.
I also wanted to mention that I have some favorite past entries from my blog that will (hopefully) give the reader a snapshot of the kind of thing this blog is about.
- "Mommy Barbie"- 3/19/08
- "Did I Just Say That?"- 4/26/08
- "The Toy Commune"- 4/30/08
- "The Cats and the Kids"- 5/6/08
- "Child's Play"- 7/2/08
- "Peter Pan Loses His Shadow"- 7/18/08
- "Just Add Water"- 8/13/08
- "Give Me a 'HUH'?"-11/13/08
All of my entries are certainly heart-felt. I try to inject humor into the "stuff" that happens in my world so that I don't take myself to seriously. I hope you enjoy it.
To my new friends I met today: I look forward to seeing you again soon!
Thursday, May 14, 2009
Another Parental Top 10

10. One morning we were busy getting ready for school/work, and Amy had a special performance. She put on her church clothes, and pretty sandals. As I was scurrying around, Amy asked if I would paint her toes, as they were chipped and not very attractive. I said, "Sure," and, without a second thought, dropped to my knees to begin painting her toes. Hubby walked in and was completely alarmed. His vision: he walked in to find his wife on her hands and knees, in her underwear, painting his daughter's toes.
9. I was driving down the road with the kids when Amy began shrieking. I, terribly alarmed, asked what in the world was the matter. She said, "Oh, nothing," as she smiled. I chastised her and explained she was never, ever to do that again. So, naturally, five minutes later, she did it again. I pulled over to the side of the road and told her to get out of the car. She did, and gave me the most pitiful look I've ever seen. I glared at her and allowed her back in the car.
8. I was chastised by my children for suggesting we eat Baskin Robbins ice cream for dinner. (Really. What's wrong with this picture?)
7. On several occasions, I have been known to try and "gently direct" my family to get ready for church. There is usually some fighting between the kids, some general piddling around by everyone, and at least one pretty good "melt down" at some point. By the time we get in the car to go to church, I am irate. I have been know to say something profound, like, "Now, everybody put on your seat belt, be quiet and let's go love Jesus!!!!!"
6. I was so very, very sick and tired. And hubby was out of town. And I had all the kids myself. I had to feed them something. They were hungry. The poor kids ate cereal for 48 hours straight.
5. When Keith was little, everything he did was completely miraculous and amazing. We took two hours of video tape of him swinging in his baby swing.
4. When Emma was little and potty training, she got into the habit of wanting to "potty" everywhere we went. It was incredibly annoying, not to mention, it completely wrecked my day's schedule. One day we were in Krogers grocery shopping. Naturally, we had to stop by the restroom. Fairly soon thereafter, we went to check out. Emma asked to go to the restroom again. I assumed she was just bored, and she had just gone to the restroom, so I told her "no." A minute later, a puddle of liquid was on the floor- except that the floor was not level. So it all rolled under the Coca Cola case at the end of the check out line.
3. When Keith was born, I sterilized anything that touched him. I was slightly less paranoid with Emma. By the time I got to Amy, I was pretty much over it. We were at the Fairgrounds one day at the Flea Market. I had brought sandwiches for my kids to eat, so I could make sure they were eating something at least a little healthy, and because Fair food is so outrageously expensive. As we were walking along, Keith dropped his sandwich on the ground. I picked it up, brushed it off and gave it back to him. My friend, a first time mom, just about died on the spot thinking of all the germs I had given him.
2. I have a diet coke instead of coffee. My kids used to ask if they could have one, too. I, of course, said no. Because I was a "grown up". (The irony...)
1. My youngest, Amy, came in to the bathroom while I was drying off from a shower. She looked at my tummy, poked it with her finger and announced it was squishy. Somehow, because I'm her parent and I love her, she has lived to tell the tale.
I'm certain there is more, and there will be much, much more to come. But for now, I'll stop.
For anyone who is also a parent, thank you for laughing WITH me. For anyone who is NOT a parent, don't laugh AT me-- what comes around goes around...
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Dinner Time...

Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Home-Grown Grumpies

Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Home Grown

Sunday, May 3, 2009
He Shoots, He Scores!

Monday, April 27, 2009
Be Still...

Wednesday, April 22, 2009
You Say Po-ta-to, I Say Po-tah-to

Tuesday, April 21, 2009
The Case of Parental Hypocrisy

Sunday, April 19, 2009
Carry On
